Herniated Disc Treatment

Your spine is comprised of vertebrae that are separated by fluid-filled discs. The discs are designed to evenly distribute pressure along the spinal column, prevent friction, and minimize stress on the vertebrae. Putting too much pressure on your spine may result in a herniated disc. Chiropractic care from Dr. Debra Nagurney in Jamestown, NY, helps the slipped disc heal naturally.

What Causes a Slipped Disc?

Spinal discs are made of a fibrocartilage shell that is filled with a combination of collagen and water. The design allows the discs to remain flexible and strong. Slipped discs typically occur when too much pressure is put on the spinal column and when the discs are damaged. The fibrocartilage is unable to hold its natural shape and bulges out from between the vertebrae.

Symptoms of a Slipped Disc

Slipped discs are most common in the lower back and neck, but one can develop along any part of the spine. If a nerve is compressed, you may have sudden shooting pain in your lower back, hips, buttocks, legs, shoulders, or neck. Numbness is another sign of a herniated disc. The symptoms may be persistent or only happen with certain movements or body positions. People tend to compensate for the discomfort by changing their body mechanics, and this may cause secondary symptoms, such as muscle tension and spinal misalignment.

Treatments for Slipped Discs

Treatment for slipped discs should use a holistic approach that includes improving circulation, reducing inflammation, aligning the vertebrae, and relieving muscle tension along the spine. Dr. Nagurney uses a combination of the upper cervical technique, acupressure, therapeutic massage, trigger point therapy, and myofascial release.

Long-Term Prognosis of a Slipped Disc

With chiropractic care and rest, herniated discs typically heal within one to two months. Dr. Nagurney recommends routine treatments to promote spinal health and reduce the risk of a slipped disc in the future.

Treatment for Slipped Discs

If you have symptoms of a herniated disc, chiropractic care can help. Call us today at (561) 762-1093 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Nagurney at our office in Jamestown, NY.

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Our Location

783 Fairmount Ave. | Jamestown, NY 14701

Office Hours

Our General Schedule


10:00 am-1:00 pm

2:00 pm-6:00 pm


By Appointment Only


10:00 am-1:00 pm

2:00 pm-6:00 pm


By Appointment Only


10:00 am-1:00 pm

2:00 pm-6:00 pm



